4 Fukakusa Bocho Fushimi-Ku Kyoto-shi Kyoto-fu, KYOTO JAPAN
zip 612-0871(Japanese zip code)
TEL +81-75-641-1704 / FAX +81-75-641-1724
【From City Bus】
<From Kyoto Station>
Please get south no.5
Please get off at「Ryukoku Univ.」
Walking to temple for 10 min.
<Kyoto Municipal Subway line of Karasuma, From Takeda「竹田駅」 station east gate>
Please get temporary bus south no.5
Please get off at [Bocho 坊町]
Walking to temple soon.
【From train】
(JR line of Nara) you can come walk to temple for 7 min from Inari「稲荷」station.
(Keihan Line) you can walk to temple for 5 min from Fukakusa「深草」station.
【BY the car】
You can come to temple for 10 min from the intersection of Takedadebashi「竹田出橋」 on National route No. 24.
you can come to temple for 15 min from the intersection of Jyu jyo 「十条」 on Takeda Kaido 竹田街道