Joya Big Silence Solemn Bell Service
31st December Every Year
There are 108 types in our earthly desire. Japanese person hit 108 count for cleaning and extinction of earthly desire at the end of year December 31st. We can put earthly desire together into the greedy and angry and grumbling. These feelings cause an illusion and suffering. Actually these feelings are the source of illusion and suffering.
We confess our sins and earthly desire and bad heart and bad karma in this year by hitting, and listening Bell of Joya called 除夜之鐘. And then after becoming pure heart, we welcome New Year.
So, this Joya service is very important service on the end of this year.
Genseian ZUikoh-JI Temple
4 Fukakusabocho Fushimi-Ku Kyoto-shi, KYOTO JAPAN
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